2023参加金钥匙12年级长期班课学生共52位, 其中14位学生取得ATAR 99+, 18位学生取得ATAR 98+. 预计将有15位左右学生获得医学或牙医录取。
祝贺Marco Jin同学取得IB 44分(数学HL 7, 物理HL 7, 化学SL 7)。祝贺 Veda Muthineni 99.85; Queenie Hu 99.80; Philip Tan 99.70; Alex Ma 99.70; Lucas Jin 99.65; Yiding Liu 99.60 等共14位学生取得ATAR 99+, 以及17位学生获得共23学科的A+ Merits. 特别祝贺Alex Ma 更是取得高数(Spec. Maths) 20分满分的佳绩。
同样祝贺Eugene Lee在9年级成功完成了12年级双数学并获得A+/A+ Merit, 以及Yifan Wu 在10年级完成的12年级高数和物理取得A+/A+ Merit。祝贺Lele Zhang在10年级完成的12中数取得A+ Merit。以及16位学生选择的大学Headstart/Extension课程并取得的HD.

<2022学年> 祝贺Mark Jiang同学取得ATAR 99.95 (其中SACE数学MM, 化学,生物,RP均获得A+Merit; Headstart数学获得了满分HD)。同样祝贺Mithusha Kulatunga ATAR 99.90 (SACE) 等共11名学生取得ATAR 99+的优异成绩。祝贺30余位取得单科A+Merit的学生。

<2021学年> 祝贺黄显(Xian Huang)同学取得ATAR 99.95, IB成绩45分满分的优异成绩(科目组合为数学, 化学, 生物和英语四科HL; 以及经济和中文SL)。祝贺Anthony Pham同学取得ATAR 99.95 (SACE 数学,物理和化学A+Merit)。祝贺Hanson Wang 99.85 (SACE), Eric 99.75 (IB), Ruby Chen 99.65 (SACE) 以及另6名学生取得ATAR 99+ . 同时祝贺30余位取得单科A+Merit的学生。还要特别恭喜Ruby同学拿到了Research Project的 A+Merit。祝贺!

<2020学年> 祝贺Gina Wang, Yifan Zhao, Le Jiang & Anonymous 四名学生获得了Perfect ATAR 99.95, 其中Gina以七门学科满分A+Merit创造了全南澳洲历史最佳成绩。2020年共有12名学生的ATAR成绩在99以上, 其中Matt Yang更是取得99.90的佳绩。(了解金钥匙2015-2019毕业生成绩,请点击更多详情)

Our 2023 Year 12 graduates have continued the tradition of academic excellence at Golden Key Education.

In 2023, a total of 52 students were enrolled in our Golden Key Year 12 program. 14 students achieved an ATAR ranking in the top 1% nationally (ATAR 99+), 18 students in the top 2% (ATAR 98+), 36 students in the top 5% (ATAR 95+), which resulted in 23 Merits. It is expected that approximately 15 students will be offered a placement in a medical or dental school (details will be announced at the end of January).

Congratulations to Marco Jin for achieving an IB score of 44 (Mathematics HL 7, Physics HL 7, Chemistry SL 7). High ATAR achievers: Veda Muthineni 99.85; Queenie Hu 99.80; Philip Tan for 99.70; Alex Ma 99.70; Lucas Jin 99.65; Yiding Liu 99.60. Special congratulations to Alex Ma for achieving a perfect score of 20.0 in his Specialist Maths. 16 students achieved a High Distinction in the University Headstart/Extension course, giving them a perfect scaled score of 20.0 towards their ATAR.

A special mention to Eugene Lee for successfully completing Stage 2 double Mathematics during year 9 and achieving an A+/A+ Merit, and Yifan Wu for achieving an A+/A+ Merit in Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics and Physics during his year 10. Additionally, congratulations to Lele Zhang for achieving an A+ Merit in Stage 2 Maths Methods during year 11.

Year 2022:
A special mention goes out to following outstanding efforts: Mark Jiang (SACE) who achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95 (A+ with Merit on Maths Methods, Chemistry, Biology and RP; A+ on Specialist Maths; HD on his Headstart Mathematics); Mithusha Kulatunga ATAR 99.90 (SACE) and other 9 students who achieved an ATAR 99+. More than 30 of our students achieved a perfect score (A+ with Merit) for one or more of their Year 12 subjects. Congratulations and well done!

Year 2021:
Xian Huang (IB score 45) and Anthony Pham (SACE) who achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95; Hanson Wang 99.85; Eric 99.75 (IB); Ruby Chen 99.65 and other 6 students who achieved an ATAR 99+. More than 30 of our students achieved a perfect score (A+ with Merit) for one or more of their Year 12 subjects. Congratulations and well done!

Year 2020:
Our Year 12 graduates of 2020 have reinforced Golden Key’s tradition of academic success. Special mention goes to Gina Wang, Yifan Zhao, Le Jiang & Anonymous who achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95. In particular, Gina has achieved an unprecedented SEVEN A+ grades with Merit awards for SACE.

Needless to say, 2020 has been a stellar year for our students. While we await results from all of our IB students, we can already confirm 12 students who achieved 99+, including Matt Yang achieved ATAR 99.90. More than 30 of our students achieved a perfect score for one or more of their Year 12 subjects.

(Read more about 2015-2019 Golden Key Year 12 student achievement, please click on 'More information' )

ACER/IGNITE Scholarship Preperation Classes

ACER 奖学金测试包括一系列学术能力测试,用于考核学生以获得奖学金,澳大利亚有大约 250 所独立学園使用ACER 奖学金測式系統。这些测试要求学生展示一系列技能,例如解释、推断、演绎和批判性思考的能力。它们不是基于课程的,也不测试检索所学知识的能力。

对于成功的申请者,成功的学生可以获得可观的经济津贴,每个孩子在中学教育期间可节省高达 100% 的学费, 约 75,800 澳元。 为了在这些测试中成为有竞争力的候选人,学生自然需要进行充分的准备以提高其竞争力。

金钥匙的 3+1 ACER/IGNITE 奖学金准备課程包括一系列精英的补习计划,以帮助学生扩展知识,并在一年中提供各方位全面的的培训。

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喜讯!2019年金钥匙12年级学生成绩新鲜出炉! 祝贺Charlotte Zhang同学获得ATAR 99.95 的最高分, 以及六门学科的满分A+ with Merit, 并获得州长嘉奖。2019年金钥匙共有23名学生的ATAR成绩在98以上, 其中11名达到99以上。约有30名学生取得单科的Perfect Score。

特别祝贺Gina Wang同学截至今年11年级已取得四门12年级学科的A+ with Merit的优异成绩。我们期待Gina等所有12年级的莘莘学子在2020年再创佳绩并成功考取理想学府!


Where dreams come true

Golden Key Education (金钥匙教育)是阿德莱德和墨尔本一所专业的SACE, VCE, IB, UCAT及各类中小学课程及奖学金为一体的专业培训机构。 我们的团队有资深澳洲中小学注册教师,曾经SACE及VCE 考官以及预备役老师们。他们都熟知澳洲的教育系统,重点考点以及评分标准,且每节课都有严格制定的课程安排,为小学生的升学及奖学金考试,或是为高年级学生考上理想的专业和院校打下坚实的基础。金钥匙的教育理念是,在整个中小学教育阶段,学生通过学习掌握和评估知识、阐释概念和想法、寻找多种可能性、择优选择并最终解决问题等内容来发展他们的批判性和创造性思维。批判性和创造性思维要求学生运用所有课堂里和生活中学到的技能进行广泛的、深入的思考。这些技能包括推理,逻辑,谋划,想象和创新。我们鼓励并积极训练那些促使考生在求知过程中出类拔萃的个性和品质。通过批判性和创造性思考,考生的优秀品质诸如求知欲、理性、灵活性、开放性、乐于尝试新方法和坚韧性将得以增强。为贯彻这我们的教学理念,金钥匙经验丰富的教师团队会协助学生发掘他们的长处与不足,从而取长补短地为其量身定制符合他们特定要求的教学计划和课程。